Fees & Policies
1st Semester: Sept. 9, 2024 - Jan. 26, 2025
60 min classes $675.00
2nd Semester: Jan. 27, 2025 - May 31, 2025
60 min classes $750.00
(2nd Semester tuition is $75 more per class than 1st Semester because it includes the recital costume fee.
*See below if your dancer can't participate in recital.)
Please see our observation policies.
Please do NOT drop off or pick up your dancer in the alleyway. Please find a legal parking space and walk your dancer to and from the backdoor. We suggest using the Citibank Parking Lot located directly across the alley from 8 Count. Entrance to the Citi Bank Lot is off Ayres Ave. There is also street parking. Do not park in the handicap spot unless you have a handicap placard on display. Do not pull into the reserved owner’s spot. Do not park in the F&S lot even for a couple minutes. Our parking rules apply to everyone. 8 Count is not responsible for injury to persons, vehicles, or personal property on premises. Please share our policies with anyone dropping off or picking up your dancer. We appreciate your help.
All registration must be done online via our website www.8CountLA.com or on our app.
Class enrollment is limited. Enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis.
Dancers who are registered for 1st Semester classes will automatically be registered for the same classes 2nd Semester unless you email us by Dec. 1, 2024.
Our annual recital will be held on Saturday, May 31, 2025 at the Saban Theater. All 2nd Semester dancers will be in the recital. Recital times TBA. Block out all day on Saturday, May 31, 2025. There is a charge for tickets. There will be an in-studio dress rehearsal the week of May 19th-25th during your regularly scheduled classes. 2nd Semester tuition is $75 more per class than 1st Semester because it includes the recital costume fee. All dancers will receive a costume whether they perform in the recital or not. It’s not fair to leave one or two children out of the fun of getting a costume. If your dancer is not able to perform in our recital, we must receive an email by March 1, 2025. Your account will be charged an additional $25 per costume for sizing exchanges.
If enrollment in any class is lower than 6 dancers, that class will be canceled prior to the semester beginning. You will be asked to select another class.
There is a non-refundable annual registration fee of $35 per family. Registration fees are due each year in the Fall or at the time of your first registration. The registration fee is valid through the end of the Summer.
Tuition is collected on a semester basis. Tuition is due upon registration.
Payments may only be made via ACH/e-Check payments by entering your bank account information or by Credit Card (no AMEX) on our secure website. If your bank account or credit card is invalid or is declined, you will receive an email letting you know you have 5 days to update your account. A $30.00 late fee will be assessed if you do not update your account within 5 days. After 10 days, another $30.00 late fee will be assessed to your account. After 15 days, another $30.00 late fee will be assessed to your account, and so on until payment is received.
We do not pro-rate or offer refunds for vacations, illness, missed classes, etc. There are no makeup classes.
There are no make-ups, refunds, or credits anytime the studio closes for an act of nature/God. If we are forced to close, we will do zoom classes. There will not be a discount for zoom classes.
We do not refund or credit for any reason.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
Class schedules and teachers are subject to change.
We are not responsible for students arriving early or leaving the studio without proper accompaniment. Once your child’s class is over, we are no longer responsible for your child. You are responsible for your child before and after their class time. Please pick up your child on time.
All photographs and videos taken of children from 8 Count can be used for the purposes of publicity. These photos may be used for program brochures, media productions, advertisements, posters, websites, social media, news, articles, etc. If we have to hold live online zoom classes, you agreed to be recorded, and not share these sessions.
All dogs – big or small (unless service animals) are not allowed inside the building. Please respect and follow this rule.
There is no food allowed inside the building. Please respect and follow this rule.